This is it...'ve found it. This is the place to be yourself.


An Afternoon Full of Boys

Old cars were made for boys…


…and boys were made for outside.


Thanks for a fun afternoon of pictures!



the last picture


Have you ever looked for a picture of a friend or loved one and can’t find a picture of them?  Or have you lost someone so close to your heart that you want to remember them in all the ways you can—and the only way to see them again is in a picture?  Some of you know what I mean by this.  I lost my mother to illness about 4 years ago.  And since then, I’ve acquired as many pictures of her as I can, from her baby years when I didn’t know her to the years she was a mother and I can remember every detail of her.  And as she got older and we got older, there were fewer and fewer pictures. 

I’ve had so many people tell me that they haven’t had their pictures taken in years or since their 6-year-old was a baby.  For many who are still single or are newly single, it feels silly to get portraits made without a family to surround them.  Others don’t like to see themselves in pictures or simply don’t take the time.

My goal in saying these things is not to be a Debbie Downer.  I hope to inspire you to take the time to make memories you can hold in your hand of those you love.  Pictures are so important because at the certain moment when you love someone so much you can capture them at that exact time and have a lifelong memory.  And we are blessed with so many good times that we often forget that this specific time—right now, this age, this place in life—will never come again. 

A photograph is cheap, a piece of paper with some ink on it.  But there are a number of pictures I would shed tears over if I lost them.  It’s not just the details of a face.  Looking at a picture of Mom evokes so many memories in me.  I can remember how good she smelled and how she moved and what her hands felt like.

It’s tempting to skip the pictures as we get older—we don’t need to be reminded of the gray in our hair.  Or as we gain a few pounds—we don’t need to see that we weigh a little more than we used to.  But coming from someone who knows how full life can be with someone you love and the hole that they leave when they’re gone, it’s priceless to have a picture to look back at.


15 makes a party!

I come from a sizable family, and there’s nothing more fun than the chaos of taking family pictures.  And this family was no exception—I had a great time with these folks.  (And the chaos was minimal!)  Enjoy looking over their pictures.  And I’d love some feedback!












fall family portraits

Thanks to the Parrott family for a great photo session!














family pics on a windy day

There's nothing like scheduling a photo session to bring on West Texas wind!  Despite the wind machine, we managed to get some great shots.  And it's always fun to take pictures of friends!


business promotion portraits

I have a good friend who is working on building her reflexology business.  Like me and 99% of adults, she hasn't had true portraits taken in years.  So, a sunny afternoon session and many giggles later, we had portraits of my friend and photos to help promote her business.  (If you are interested in her services, let me know!  I'll get you her contact info.  It's 100% worth it.)  Here's a sample of her photos.


senior portraits

For seniors in high school, right now is a time of great beginnings and ends.  I challenge you to find a way to commemorate this time in your life in a unique way... 

...out of a studio...

...where you can be yourself.